Wednesday 10 July 2013

Pharaohs, policy and pray

There was a very interesting editorial in today's FT headed "Bible holds lessons for future of Energy". I have to agree totally with the central premise of the piece which uses the example of Joseph who urged Pharaoh to use the seven years of plenty to prepare for the famine. In recent years the global supply of fossil fuels, particularly gas, has entered an era of abundance,or least greater supply than we thought. However, this will not last for ever and the article urges maximising indigenous production, "pushing for greater fuel economy" ( I would argue for efficiency of all energy not just fuel), and "supporting renewable and nuclear power even when in the short term they are uncompetitive against fossil fuels". I support all these although I would add that any premium for renewable or nuclear has to be properly tested to ensure it provides long term lower prices, clear industrial or economic benefits to society and is the right technology at the right price. 

The one thing the article didn't advocate, which given its biblical theme it could have done, was that we should pray for enlightenment for our energy policy makers which seems lacking at times. More on that later I'm sure.

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